Holy Balm

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  • Product Benefits

    A multi-purpose balm made of Asian superfruits that hydrates the skin deeply. Power-packed with antioxidants and vitamins A & C. Stimulates collagen, reduces surface fine lines, regulates oil-balance, purifies pores and improves skin’s protective barrier. For all skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone skin.

    Handcrafted in The Netherlands & co-created with our partner from Thailand.

  • Active Ingredients

    100% organic ingredients:
    Shea Butter • Gâc Fruit Oil • Moringa Oil • Pomegranate Oil • Sacha Inchi Oil • Sweet Almond Oil • Candelilla Wax • Coconut Oil • Castor Oil infused with Kaffir Lime Peel • Vitamin E

    Gâc Fruit Oil as greatest antioxidant for youthful, glowing skin
    Also called “the fruit from heaven”, a rare superfruit only found in Southeast Asia. This Asian treasure is power-packed with the antioxidants lycopene and beta-carotene. It might be hard to believe but Gâc holds 10x more β-Carotene than carrots, 40x more vitamin C than oranges, 70x more lycopene than tomatoes and 75x more vitamin A than leafy greens - resulting in the healthiest skin.
    • Bursting with powerful antioxidants to support cellular rejuvenation and slow down the signs of aging
    • Stimulates the rebuilding of collagen and improves skin elasticity
    • Leaves the skin hydrated, supple and glowfull due to its long-chain fatty acids
    • Treats skin pigmentation
    • Premier source of carotenoids to support skin’s own defense mechanisms from free radicals, which also protect against air pollutants and sun damage
    • Protect against allergens and irritants such as acne, rosacea, psoriasis and eczema

    Moringa Oil to protect skin from daily pollutants
    One of nature’s most powerful plants. Its leaves alone have 92 nutrients, 46 antioxidants, 18 amino acids and 36 anti-inflammatories.
    • Moisturises the skin deeply due to its high omega and antioxidant content
    • Increases blood flow and helps to build collagen due to its Vitamin A
    • ​​Prevents clogged pores due to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties
    • Improves overall skin health and reduces inflammation due to its Vitamin E
    • Helps to promote cellular growth (Cyt Cytokinins) and delays the ageing process
    • Acts as an anti-pollution shield: the antioxidant peptides found in Moringa Oil protects the skin against environmental stressors
    • Helps to improve skin’s natural protective barrier
    • Regulates oil-balance, preventing oily skin
    • Helps to repair pigmentation and sun-induced photodamage
    • Protects against sun damage due to its natural UV-filter

    Pomegranate Oil for its high source of Vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties
    Pomegranate serves as another Asian superfruit. Pomegranate seed oil contains a high source of Vitamin C, Omega 5 (punicic acid), Omega 9 (oleic acid), Omega 6 (linoleic acid) and palmitic acid, making it one of the most effective ingredients in anti-inflammatory skin care. Great for dry, damaged, or acne-prone skin.
    • Reduces swelling and relieves skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis
    • Increases the production of collagen and restores skin elasticity
    • Reduces surface fine lines and wrinkles
    • Reduces acne scars, dark circles and uneven pigmentation
    • Very efficient at clearing out pores
    • Hydrates and soothes the skin

    Sacha Inchi Oil to restore skin’s outer barrier and oil-balance
    Sacha Inchi oil has one of the highest (93%!) content of unsaturated fatty acids, even more than olive oil, making its composition unique compared to other plant extracts. These essential fatty acids, specifically high in linoleic and linolenic acid, deeply nourish the skin and help to restore the lipid balance. Giving our skin a healthier natural barrier, keeping it supple and moisturised.
    • Moisturises and soothes the skin
    • Strengthens and restores the skin’s outer lipid barrier, increasing skin elasticity
    • Improves hydration by preventing trans-epidermal water loss
    • Protects from sun damage and pollution, which helps prevent premature ageing and reduces the appearance of surface fine lines and wrinkles
    • Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce redness, irritation and acne
    • Regulates oil-balance, preventing oily skin

    Sweet Almond Oil to reduce redness, puffiness and under-eye circles
    This antioxidant-rich oil contains all sorts of natural goodness: Vitamin E, Vitamin A, essential fatty acids and magnesium. The oil has been used in ancient Ayurvedic practices to treat skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis and is known for its free radical fighting and anti-inflammatory abilities.
    • Benefits acne-prone skin by dissolving excess oil
    • Moisturises and hydrates deeply
    • Reduces the appearance of scars
    • Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce redness, puffiness and under-eye circles
    • Stimulate the production of new skin cells and smooths fine lines thanks to its vitamin A
    • Serves as barrier to protect against sun damage due to its natural UV-filter

    Castor as an ultra-hydrating moisturiser
    Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid, which acts as an ultra-hydrating moisturiser that reduces water loss through the outer layer of the skin.
    • Fight against free radicals and reduces fine lines and wrinkles
    • Unclog the pores and reduces acne due to its antibacterial properties
    • Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce redness, puffiness and under-eye circles
    • An ultra-hydrating moisturiser for the skin and lips
    • Soothes sunburn and peeling
    • Its fatty acids create a youthful, glowing skin

  • Commitments

    Vegan & Cruelty-free
    100% organic ingredients
    Waterless skincare
    No artificial colour
    Ethically sourced
    No essential oils

    Plastic-free and sustainable packaging; can be recycled into infinity
    10% commission goes to my friend Toi with whom I co-created this product
    1 kg (equal to 50 bottles) of ocean plastic will be collected for every item purchased

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
L Von barnau sythoff
Healthy feeling!

Very happy with the healthy feeling and look after using Holy Balm. I am not new in using only healthy natural products so I can compare. Holy Balm is a "keeper"! Thanks!

Ylva Oosterling
Holy Balm

Wat ben ik blij dat ik jullie gevonden heb. Ik geloofde nooit dat ik een hele skincare routine met meerdere producten nodig had om mijn huid mooi en gezond te houden. Na lang zoeken en veel proberen kon ik nog altijd niet vinden wat ik zocht. Lang gebruikte ik meerdere dure producten die mijn huid verzorgden maar dit was niet wat ik eigenlijk wilde. Tot ik Saucha vond, het verhaal van Saucha vond ik erg mooi en wilde ik graag steunen. Ik had nooit verwacht dat de Holy Balm zo goed zou werken. Ik gebruik al mijn andere producten niet meer en mijn huid heeft er nog nooit zo gezond en goed uitgezien. Dankjewel Saucha!

Geweldig product

Saucha Holy Balm is een aanvulling op mijn skincare routine. De balsem voelt zijdezacht aan en smelt moeiteloos op mijn gezicht. Vooral tijdens de winter, wanneer mijn huid extra zorg nodig heeft, heeft deze balsem wonderen verricht. Mijn vaak lastige huid voelt gehydrateerd en gekalmeerd. Blij dat ik dit product heb ontdekt!

Anti Aging! Een aanrader!

De balm kan ik niet meer missen! Ik heb in mijn leven veel diverse crèmes voor mijn gezicht gebruikt (ik ben 68), maar de Holy Balm is een blijvertje. Na het opbrengen laat ik het even intrekken, voordat ik me verder opmaak. Mijn huid ziet er echt gezonder uit!

Liquid Gold

Ik gebruik sinds kort zowel de Saucha cleanser als de balm voor mijn gezicht. Ik overdrijf niet als ik zeg dat het voelt alsof ik 'liquid gold' op mijn gezicht smeer wanneer ik de balm gebruik. Echt een prachtige gouden kleur met kleine glinstering erin ✨ De balm heeft geen uitgesproken geur, slechts een hint van de warme tonen van de werkzame natuurlijke ingredienten Ook de cleanser voelt heel fijn aan. Een hele kleine hoeveelheid is al genoeg om mijn gezicht, nek en hals te reinigen. Laat je gezicht zacht en gevoed achter, totaal niet trekkerig of droog wat vaak het geval kan zijn bij (natuurlijke) cleansers. Ook de verpakkingen met hun prachtige warme kleuren resoneren helemaal met de inhoud, echt een lust voor het oog! Ik kijk er elke avond en ochtend weer naar uit om mijn huidje te mogen verzorgen💫